“How To Cut A Demo And Provide Auditions – That Will Make You Stand Out From The Crowd!”
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(First post)…This may be addressed somewhere else, but I can’t find it…
When doing a cartoon demo, what is best? For example, I do Mickey Mouse (and have spent about five years getting it as perfect as I think and what others agree)…so would I just read copy as Mickey or would i try and edit in some other audio? I have listened to a lot of the pros online and all their demos are actual recordings of cartoons that have aired. The same goes for many of the other voices I can do, as well as original characters.
Thanks for the advice and thank you for this site, its fantastic!
Any tips on cartoon demo?
I’ve listened to a lot of pros online and it sounds like most of them use actual projects they’ve done.
For example, I do Mickey Mouse (spent about 5 years perfecting it)…what are your thoughts on laying this down in my cartoon demo? Adding music and perhaps writing my own copy?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the comment and question. If you are thinking of doing any kind of a demo, you should get it produced by a professional voiceover coach. I can help you with that. Send me an e-mail if you are interested. Thanks again!
This is John,
I’ve imitating cartoon voices since I was young. I have always had comical personality. I have been dreaming of being a voice actor ever since. I started recording my audio clips and videos of my voices. So far I have posted them on Voice.com and ExploreTalent.com. I really want to stay away from money seeking agents and present myself. I am on facebook as well, which I posted of video clip of voices that I can do. Need some positive feedback.
God evening, this is Wendy Faye.
I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks to you. This evening, I listened to the segments on an Agency Audition Notices, outstanding! Both were excellent! Clear, concise, and very informative.
Thank you Terry, and continued success
Thank you Wendy!
We appreciate your support! We are working on adding more modules in the coming weeks as well! :-)
i have been in media radio/tv since 1971 but never tempted voice over i have worked country as snuffy smith and black gospel and plan on getting involved in voice over any help would greatly be appreciated by the way i am of african american culture but many say if you didn’t see me you may mistake me as another culture it has its uniqueness…thanks for help
Grrrreeaat advice & instruction! (Can’t you just hear Tony the Tiger!) Read over practice scripts & going over them to give different interpretations til our next session. Looking forward to it.
Thanks again,
Marc. V.
I’m a student at the Connecticut School of Broadcasting since 2008 I have Adobe Audition C56. An audio console and a condenser Mic.Just need leads. thank you.
I’ve been in the broadcast business for more than 40 years and have been
doing voice-overs for radio, and have done dozens of narrations for video.
I recently moved back to Indiana and would like a light load of production
to keep me busy. I’m set up studio-wise and ready to add to my client
list. I’m very good at what I do. I was with WXOW-TV in La Crosse, Wisconsin
for 30 years – recording from my home. Any suggestions? I’d be happy to
provide my references via a phone call as there are too many to type out
right now.
Thanks in advance,
Tom O’Neal